Chapter Two: The Inspiration

“Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve drawn inspiration and encouragement in my life from a multitude of people.  People to whom I am forever indebted, but a few years ago, though sheer happenstance really, I came across the work of two photographers that I suspect have done more than any to open my eyes to what photography is and could be.

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Chapter One: An Introduction

I’ve owned a few point and shoot cameras over the last decade and have always enjoyed snapping pictures here and there.  As much as I tried though I could never quite develop the look and feel I wanted or even explore the possibilities I saw in other photographers.  That changed about a year ago when I was given my first DSLR and a whole new world was opened to me where I could explore not only the myriad of options available through just the camera, but in what modern technology allowed through post-processing.

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