Alone On The Water

I’m a lover of solitude and silence.  I find myself drawn to pockets of peace in an otherwise chaotic world and I enjoy being alone with my thoughts, watching the world pass by.  Sounds wash over me and get lost in the distance and all that remains is the beating of your own heart and the wandering of your own mind.  It is at that moment that the world slows down, the colors become more vivid and the smells more intense.  All of creation unfolds before you and you can only stand in awe as your senses become lost in the beauty.  And then it ends.  It has to end.  Just as a star cannot shine without the darkness, the sound of silence can only be appreciated amid the noise.  But for that brief moment when the chaos is overtaken by the peace, the world is truly yours to enjoy.

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Chapter Two: The Inspiration

“Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve drawn inspiration and encouragement in my life from a multitude of people.  People to whom I am forever indebted, but a few years ago, though sheer happenstance really, I came across the work of two photographers that I suspect have done more than any to open my eyes to what photography is and could be.

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Chapter One: An Introduction

I’ve owned a few point and shoot cameras over the last decade and have always enjoyed snapping pictures here and there.  As much as I tried though I could never quite develop the look and feel I wanted or even explore the possibilities I saw in other photographers.  That changed about a year ago when I was given my first DSLR and a whole new world was opened to me where I could explore not only the myriad of options available through just the camera, but in what modern technology allowed through post-processing.

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