Flower Friday

There are two kinds of photography that interest me… wide open landscape and cityscape pictures taken with a wide-angle lens that seems to capture everything for miles and miles, and then macro photography which makes the tiniest objects look big.  It’s a particularly nice way to photograph flowers so as to show off all of the amazing detail that the naked eye really doesn’t appreciate.

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Swan Boats Are Stupid

I spent about half an hour one evening watching the swan boats at Fair Park.  I guess I was trying to figure out the appeal of getting in a boat shaped like a giant bird and peddling around a pond for a while.  I never got the appeal but the setting sun afforded me some decent opportunities to snap a few pics of these giant jackasses of the water.

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A Beautiful July Day

“Beautiful”, “July” and “Dallas” are three words that don’t often find themselves sharing the same sentence.  July afternoons around here are usually spent indoors, in a pool or running from shade to shade but every now and then mother nature forgets which month it is and just throws something pleasantly random at us.

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Death Stops For A Burger

Am I the only one who grew up watching Ghostbusters and dreamed of growing up to drive a sweet hearse?  It was probably a dumb dream and it’s most certainly a dumber dream now as an adult, but I can’t help but see an old hearse now days and think about how cool it would be to trick one out and cruise around town.  Now this is a chick magnet…

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