Here Comes Matilda

I’m kind of a fan of old street cars.  I don’t know why since I grew up in the 80s long, long after the streetcars in America all but died.  Maybe it has something to do with fond memories of the little trolley from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.  I don’t know, but I like them.

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A Gritty Night

On occasion I have been walking around taking pictures of this or that and after snapping an image I look at the LCD screen and smile because I’m convinced the image I captured does a good job of conveying the reality of the moment.  But on even rarer occasions I leave with that impression only to get home, upload the images and see that the picture I took conveys something entirely different  Sometimes, something better.

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Chapter Two: The Inspiration

“Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve drawn inspiration and encouragement in my life from a multitude of people.  People to whom I am forever indebted, but a few years ago, though sheer happenstance really, I came across the work of two photographers that I suspect have done more than any to open my eyes to what photography is and could be.

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